Monday, November 10, 2008

Productivity - Creativity

Why is it that productivity is so hard to come by sometimes? It's that intertia to get going that is soo hard to come by actually. I like being productive... it makes me happy, but sometimes it is so hard to come by. Once I get going, I am very productive.. .but getting going is usually more than half the battle. Does anyone have any suggestions for a sometimes inertial-deficited individual?

I am very fortunate that I get paid to be creative. My job requires me to use my brain and I wouldn't have it any other way, but sometimes I wish I was digging ditches. I am sitting right now looking out my wonderful 2nd story vista watching the ValleyCrest crew do some landscaping work around my building. I can't help but wonder what it would be like sometimes to have their job, sometimes I think it might be nice.. you know, blowing leaves around all day, or riding one of those cool riding mowers... But as a non-spanish speaker, I better stick to my day job.

1 comment:

Nicoolmama said...

Oh man, do you know how much I would love it if you came home smelling like grass and leaves? HOT!